
Alternative Proteins and Asia

Food Frontier report Alternative Proteins and Asia finds Asia’s growing demand for new foods present export opportunities

The report reveals that Asia’s growing demand for alternative proteins is an opportunity for Australian and New Zealand manufacturers to harness a new market. 

Alternative Proteins and Asia is based on research by Mintel which assessed 11 markets across Asia, ranking them for their market suitability based on market size and innovation, market entry and operations, and consumer intelligence. The top five markets with the greatest potential were identified as follows, listed in order of opportunity: China, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Japan. The report includes primary research from 5,000 consumers across these markets.

Australia and New Zealand have long traded with Asia, occupying a privileged position as close neighbours and reliable trading partners of safe and quality goods. With an expanding alternative proteins market in Asia, Australia and New Zealand have the potential to build a major new food export industry that complements our existing ones.

We thank and acknowledge our research partner Te Puna Whakaaronui, New Zealand’s independent food and fibre sector think tank.

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Alternative Proteins and Asia

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