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Operational team profile

Hannah Andersen

Executive Director (Business Operations)

Hannah works across the team to help bring Food Frontier’s impactful vision to life through our programmatic work. Knowing that agriculture and our food systems are central to global sustainability, joining the Food Frontier team was a natural alignment between Hannah’s experience and Food Frontier’s mission. Agriculture and sustainability have been common threads throughout Hannah’s career – from working on transformation programs with agribusiness Elders through to joining the most recognised ethical label globally, Fairtrade. Hannah worked with Fairtrade in both the Asia Pacific and in a global capacity as the Head of Brand and Communications stationed in Germany. Through her work with Fairtrade Hannah helped connect retailers and brands with farmers in developing countries to promote fairer global trade. Hannah’s passion for sustainability led her to the United Nations in Papua New Guinea where she drove inter-agency programs supporting the country’s progress toward the global Millennium Development Goals. Hannah is also an experienced corporate affairs consultant and facilitator managing risk and reputational matters in government, private and NFP settings. Hannah holds a Masters in organisational communications, a Bachelor in marketing and a Diploma in project management.

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